Black Friday: The Big Debate

Two thirds* of adults consider the environmental and social impact caused by the manufacture of everyday household items – such as clothes, white goods and gadgets. So why has Black Friday garnered such a following? Because human nature forces us to want things for nothing – or at least, at a discounted cost. If cave people could hunt and gather using less energy then they would do so. As a species, we will find the easiest way of achieving something.

In the modern world, this translates to the conservation of resources, or, money. It’s human nature. Whilst it’s hardwired into our DNA, as a sector we have the opportunity to remind people of the consequences of conserving these resources (buying new goods at a discount, vis-a-vis ‘Black Friday’).

We can use it as an opportunity to encourage people to shop pre-loved items, which are inherently cheaper than buying new and highlight the positive environmental impact that they’re having. Alternatively, if people are insistent on purchasing new items, we could encourage them to have a clear out and donate to charity to make way for their new items.

Another positive view is that Black Friday will bring shoppers to the High Street, increasing footfall in charity shops. Many charity retailers themselves have opted to get involved in Black Friday, offering a percentage savings across certain lines.

We can chose to focus on how we can further leverage Black Friday for the good of charity retail.
