New member application << View annual fee structure New application Organisation Number of standard shops: shops with a net selling space of 4,999 sq ft (464.4 sq m) or less Number of larger shops: shops with a net selling space of 5,000 sq ft (464.5 sq m) to 9,999 sq ft (928.9 sq m) Number of very large shops: shops with a net selling space of 10,000 sq ft (929 sq m) or more Do you sell goods online? YesNo Registered charity number Main contact person: First name Main contact person: Last name Job title Address City County Postcode Telephone Email Accounts email Website Invoice address (if different from above) Purchase order number Use this space to list your top 3 charity retail priorities in the next 2 years Why have you joined the Charity Retail Association? How did you hear about us? EventMailingOtherPast memberPressRecommendationRecruitment pageWebsite Member consent and Declaration This information is a requirement under company law, and under our constitution, that member organisations give their formal consent to be a member of the Association. I apply for membership of the Charity Retail Association on behalf of and consent to pay the relevant fees. I am responsible for the charity's retail operations and I am authorised to apply for membership on behalf of the aforementioned charity. Communications Members' area user name and password: Upon application we will generate a user name and password for the main contact in order to access the members' area of our website. This requires the main contact's email address to be held securely in the admin area of our Wordpress website. The email address is only held for the purpose of members' area access. If you wish this access to be revoked and the email address to be removed at any time please contact us. General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR): Under the terms of the GDPR we can only contact you when you have given us explicit permission to do so. Simply filling out the application form does not allow us to contact you in other contexts. Please complete the form below to receive the kind of information you require: We will only contact you in connection with the particular permission(s) you have given. We will not use the data you have provided in any other context. The data will be stored securely in our database and will be deleted when you unsubscribe. You may unsubscribe at any time, either by clicking on 'unsubscribe' in mailings or contact us. If you inform us of changes to the data we hold, these will be actioned within one working week of us receiving the information. Financial contact data held within our databases will be used only for invoicing and credit control. I would like to receive Charity Retail Voice 1 I would like to receive Charity Retail Insight (benchmarking surveys and reports) 1 I would like to receive events updates 1 I would like to receive jobs alerts 1 I would like to receive property alerts 1 Cancellation policy If you cancel an applied-for/renewed membership and have been using our services we will charge a pro rata fee up to the point of cancellation, plus a £50 + VAT admin fee. If you cancel an applied-for/renewed membership and we can see that you have not been using our services we will charge a £50 + VAT admin fee. Please save a copy of this form for your records. We will send you an email confirmation. Δ TweetShare