Social value of charity shops survey – We need your input!
14/04/2023 11:24
The Charity Retail Association have asked LynchPin Ltd & Partners to undertake this research to find out how much difference charity shops makes to people’s lives.
This research is to provide better ways to account for value that results from the activities of charity shops; as understanding this broader value is becoming increasingly important to support lobbying and media work on behalf of the charity retail sector. In addition, information from this research will be used to help charity shops:
• Be more accountable for its actions
• To gather information that can help to improve the service
If you work, volunteer, shop and/or donate in charity shops please tell us what difference this makes to your life by answering this survey by Thursday 4 May – it should take 5 minutes to complete:
Or use this QR code
Please direct any queries to Olaia Alamos Castresana at