Supporting volunteers during the pandemic

Since the first lockdown back in March 2020, volunteers’ concerns have risen. Volunteer managers wanted to know how best they can support and keep in touch with their volunteers during these unprecedented times.

At the start of the third lockdown, it was apparent that our members wanted to ‘sense check’ what others were doing to support their volunteers whilst the shops are closed, and also help to alleviate their concerns about volunteering when shops reopen.

We put together a few important questions and asked volunteer managers from different charities to share their answers, best practices and what they have learned whilst navigating through the pandemic.

We received fantastic responses which we now wish to share with you.

Thank you to all participants for coming forward and sharing experiences.

Volunteers are the backbone of charity retail. Thank you for your huge efforts in providing vital support to them.

Read the full Q&A piece from the volunteer managers here.