Sponsor this page, contact Anna, anna@charityretail.org.uk

Target those actively seeking work in charity retail by posting your role on Charity Retail Careers.

CRA Member Standard Advert Featured Advert 
1 advert £100 £150 
5 advert package£450 £650
10 advert package £800 £1200
Non-Member £150 £200 
Custom packages available on request   
Agency 15% Discount + VAT 15% Discount + VAT 

‘Featured’ adverts appear in a highlighted box, at the top of the web search, email alert, and on the home page. They are posted with detail on both LinkedIn and X.

‘Standard’ adverts go below featured and are posted on LinkedIn and X.

These adverts are included in a mailing sent weekly to those who have specifically asked to receive details of current job opportunities. Our Charity Retail Careers email goes to over 2,600 subscribers. Adverts will be promoted on X (Twitter) and LinkedIn the week they are posted with us.

Adverts are displayed and promoted for 4 weeks (mailings and website) or until the closing date, whichever is sooner.

How to submit your advert:

• State ‘Featured’ or ‘Standard’ advert
• Job description
• Job location
• Salary
• State Full/Part Time and any other contract info (e.g. 1 year fixed)
• Closing date
• Application method: e.g. link to your website
• Your logo
• Your Twitter handle (if applicable)

Take advantage of this low-cost, quick and flexible service by contacting Kelly-Marie Marshall: kelly@charityretail.org.uk or 0300 030 1088