We would love to hear from you at mail@charityretail.org.uk or 0300 030 1088.

Please note that we are not a charity shop, this is the Charity Retail Association. If you need a charity shop, please use this search.


Twitter: @CharityRetail
Facebook: www.facebook.com/charityretailassociation
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/welovecharityshops/
YouTube: @charityretailassociation

Media and press

For out of hours enquiries, please contact 07968 185648 or email robin@charityretail.org.uk.

Key sector statistics


Your data
Under the terms of the 2018 GDPR regulation we can only contact you when you have given us explicit permission to do so. In giving permission you may be assured that we will only contact you in connection with the particular permission(s) you have given, and that we will not use the data you have provided in any other context. Your query and contact details will be stored on our database. Contact details can be deleted on request.