Sorting clothes

Sharing the Love: A St Mary’s Hospice charity shop tribute to treasured possessions

By Linzi Buckmaster, Shop Manager at the Grange-Over-Sands St Mary’s Hospice shop and Retail Comms Lead

For a long time Linzi has been pondering how St Mary’s Hospice could let their supporters know just how much empathy the retail team have when they receive donations to their shops, particularly when they are from a bereavement. Linzi hopes the following words go some way to explaining.

“We understand that clearing out a loved one’s home can be a daunting and emotional process. Sometimes, time is scarce, and the urgency to sort through belongings can add stress to an already difficult situation.

“At St Mary’s Hospice shops we want to assure you that we will handle your loved one’s possessions with care. Donating these treasured items to our shops goes beyond the physical act – it’s a heartfelt gesture, a tribute to a life well-lived and an opportunity for generosity. Each item carries with it a story – a fragment of someone’s journey. Whether it’s a well-thumbed book, a photograph or a piece of clothing, these possessions carry a narrative – they hold memories.

“Parting with these belongings is no small feat. However, once donated, they take on a new purpose – a positive one that supports St Mary’s Hospice. Imagine each item as a butterfly released fluttering into a garden, carrying a tiny light of life. They transform into comfort for those facing their final days and solace for their families who walk the path of farewell alongside them.

“Our process begins with careful sorting. We handle donations thoughtfully, acknowledging that each item was once cherished. Pricing is carefully considered. Our staff and shop volunteers take care to price items fairly, balancing the need to maximise income to support the hospice’s work alongside the desire to respect the donors generosity but also to remain affordable for our customers. We diligently price-check and research – value is not merely a price tag. The quality of our donations reinforces that message – people are happy to generously donate high ticket items, understanding that their value is ultimately received by the hospice.

“Finally, the shop displays are thoughtfully and artfully arranged and curated so they are inviting – tempting even. We make sure our customers understand just how appreciated and important their purchases are to provide our hospice care. Our shops ensure that your donations continue to bring hope and support to others in a cycle of giving and compassion- a legacy of benevolence and empathy. Even in absence our loved ones can continue to influence the world.

“When you support us by buying or donating – the proceeds from these second life treasures, some crafted from threads of loss, weave a tapestry of hospice support and care.”

21/05/2024 17:48