Big C to cut the cost of charity shop waste by boosting recycling

New bin roll out in partnership with Anglian

Norfolk-based Big C Cancer Charity is diverting waste from landfill and increasing its recycling rates, thanks to a new partnership with Anglian Waste Recycling.

Having carried out a waste audit, Anglian is now rolling out 16 new bins across 10 Big C shops to collect three different types of waste – dry mixed recycling, glass and general waste. Everything is then being collected by Anglian Waste Recycling for sorting and processing locally at its licensed facility in Attleborough, with zero being sent to landfill. A monthly waste report produced by Anglian will also enable Big C to monitor recycling rates and identify any additional opportunities.

Suzanne Comaskey, retail operations manager at Big C, said: “We are pleased to be partnering with Anglian which will help us to dispose of waste from our charity shops in a more sustainable way. The new contract with Anglian not only stops our waste from being sent out of the region to be processed but, by adding in new bins and segregating it as it comes out of our shops, we will be doing our bit to recycle more.”

Jamie Parker, key account manager at Anglian, said: “We’re delighted to help Big C make its operations more environmentally friendly. Waste has become a key focus for any kind of retail outlet looking to improve their sustainability credentials and for a charity such as Big C, this can also provide a way to potentially save some vital funds. By carrying out a waste audit to see what they currently throw away, we were able to identify additional ways for them to segregate their waste which will enable them to recycle more. As a local business, we are pleased to be supporting such an important charity on our doorstep.”

11/06/2024 13:48